Our Objectives

Our Vision

To establish the greater Manor Gardens precinct as a clean, safe, family orientated and environmentally friendly area.

Safe & Secure, Clean Environment, Growth & Prosperity

Our Mission

In partnership with the Manor Gardens Ratepayers and residents Associations (MGRRP), to establish Manor Gardens as a residential area of choice. In partnership with the eThekwini Municipality, to create and maintain public space which enhances quality of life and the environment.

Revitalise the predominantly residential area in the Manor Gardens precinct. Improve safety, the general environment, and quality of life for all in the proposed precinct. Target an upward trajectory for property values. Encourage environmental sustainability and social cohesion within the community.

Our Focus

People – improve safety, improve quality of living environment, (for all in the proposed precinct) and encourage social cohesion

Environment – increase cleanliness, attractiveness and encourage environmental sustainability

• (MGRRP objective = conserve the environment, beauty, character and heritage)

Property – revitalise the predominantly residential area, target an upward trajectory for property values, establish Manor Gardens as a residential area of choice

Organisational – work in partnership with the eThekwini Municipality – to create and maintain [sustain] the living and environmental quality of public space

View the proposed area map of the UIP

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